Thought Leadership

Security Alert Regarding Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities

A massive security vulnerability has been revealed in the past 2 days that affects almost every modern computing device. These vulnerabilities allow programs to steal data via the computer’s processor (CPU). The vulnerabilities are known as Meltdown and Spectre. They have been exposed, but there is no indication that they are currently being exploited.

Updates have been issued by Microsoft that mitigate the risk of the meltdown attack. However, we recommend that the Microsoft update should be tested with the antivirus products in place before being applied.

Due to the nature of this vulnerability, virtual systems like VMware & HyperV should be prioritized.

We believe the nature of this risk to be significant enough that these remediation steps should be taken as soon as practical.

We are monitoring this developing situation very closely.

For more information:
1. US-Cert Guidance
2. Meltdown & Spectre Website

If you have questions or concerns please contact us via email or give us a call at 501.801.6700.

Thank you,

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