Thought Leadership

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and more dangers

It’s the Black Friday, Cyber Monday season again when everyone is looking for the best shopping deals. Bad actors know this and are in full swing putting out Black Friday links, ads, etc. And we cannot forget Cyber Monday ads too.

Do yourself a favor and do not click on ANY Black Friday or Cyber Monday links or advertisements on websites or in email. Instead, go directly to the company’s website and find your deals there.

We also see a lot of news outlets pushing out pieces about the best deals from multiple vendors or sneak peeks at deals. Please play it safe and ignore these too.

Remember that the bad guys want you to react quickly without thinking so they will make their ads/pages/links/emails sound fantastic! But if you really want to know, get the info from the source, not a 3rd party or a link shared somewhere, especially on social media.


Daniel Weatherly
Director of Security Services
Mainstream Technologies Inc

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