Cyber Security Starts at Home
Create a workforce security culture with the help of Mainstream Technologies & KnoweBe4!
Your employees are the first line of cybersecurity defense.
Equip your staff to be human firewalls skilled in identifying and preventing cyber security threats! Simplify Cyber Security Awareness Training with an integrated training platform.
Workforce Cyber Security Culture
- Identify Risky Behavior
- Simulated phishing campaigns provide a baseline population assessment
- Develop a Culture of Cyber Security
- Interactive training modules deliver targeted content
- Automated campaigns continuously reinforce risk reducing decision-making
- Monitor Progress
- Simulated attacks compile benchmarking data
- Regular testing maps group and individual competencies
- Present Results
- User-friendly graphs and reports simplify communication
- Meet Compliance Requirements
- Broad Content Library Covers Additional Subjects
Request a Demo Today!

"Let me show you how to use Workforce Training to keep your business secure."
- Sara Christie